Instructions for Accessing Forms Online
Completing the Forms
Once the form is open, with the left-hand mouse button, click on the field to be completed, and insert your text. Once the information has been entered, click outside the field that has just been completed or press “tab” to move to the next field. When completing check boxes simply click in the box with the mouse and a “check-box” will appear. To remove the “check-box” click in the box again.
Please be sure to verify that the full text is visible on the printed sheet once the form has been completed. This is particularly important where several lines of text, either addresses, information in the supplementary sheet or a declarations sheet have been filled in. Inserting paragraph returns using the “enter” key may push the text out of the available space, effectively causing it to disappear from the form. To check whether the contents of a field are visible, simply press “tab” or click outside the field. If the inserted text is not visible, try deleting some of the paragraph returns or reinserting the text.