by Sabina Tomshinsky | May 29, 2014 | Articles, Information, News
Are you having issues with your parenting plan? Is your current time-sharing schedule no longer working? If the answer is yes, then it is time to modify your current arrangement. It is always best to pursue a modification rather than wait and do nothing until the...
by Sabina Tomshinsky | Apr 29, 2014 | Articles, Information, News
Although many tenants believe that foreclosure is something that only affects their landlord, that is not the case. Since the collapse of the housing market, the foreclosure crisis has uprooted thousands of tenants from their homes. After all, when a landlord’s...
by Sabina Tomshinsky | Mar 27, 2014 | Articles, Information, News
Quite often a parent adds his or her child’s name to the deed of the house as a probate avoidance technique without considering the full ramifications of such joint ownership of real property. For instance, what if years after the child’s name was added to the deed,...
by Sabina Tomshinsky | Feb 12, 2014 | Articles, Information, News
Unless you are restoring your former name as part of a divorce action, a name change will have to be approved by the court. The process of legally changing your name starts with the filing of a petition for a name change in the county of your residence. Before the...
by Sabina Tomshinsky | Jan 7, 2014 | Articles, Information, News
Whether you are going through a divorce or are back in court for a post-dissolution modification, mediation usually forms a crucial part of your family law case. What is mediation? Mediation is a form of alternative dispute resolution where the parties and their...